Christmas Community Volunteering

Event Details

In place of our usual “last Wednesday of the month” community volunteer day (since that would clash with Christmas Day!, and no one want to have to wait for their Christmas dinner) we will instead be running one (like last year) inbetween Christmas and New Year.

We won’t be doing anything too arduous, but it should be a perfect excuse to get out of the house for some fresh air for a few hours, work off some of the Christmas dinner and chocolate we will all have been eating, and have fun doing something to benefit the local community and it’s wildlife.

Why not come along and lend a hand!

As always we will be meeting outside of Berrylands Scout Hut on Stirling Walk at 10am. We will provide all the tools, so all you need is sturdy shoes, or wellies, and clothes you don’t mind getting a little grubby.

We will even keep you supplied with warm drinks and biscuits as a bribe, and to say thanks for coming along (we might try and sort out something extra nice for the occasion)!

Volunteers of all ages are welcome, but one thing that we do ask that those under 14 are accompanied by an adult. Those aged 14-18 may volunteer alone, but with parental consent forms to be completed in advance.

If you have any questions about volunteering with us please do drop us an email to:

Upcoming Events



10:30am - 12:30pm
Berrylands Nature Reserve



10:30am - 12:30pm
Berrylands Nature Reserve



10:30am - 12:30pm
Berrylands Nature Reserve



10:30am - 12:30pm
Berrylands Nature Reserve
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